About Spacebuzz
SpaceBuzz was conceived and developed by a team of enthusiastic professionals: dreamers, thinkers, designers, doers and the daredevils. First you need the dreamers: people who come up with an idea. Then the thinkers – the people who further develop the plans. The doers ensure that it gets off the ground in reality. And the daredevils? They invest their resources because they believe in the future.
Our dreamers, thinkers, doers and daredevils are (in no particular order): Zoran van Gessel, André Kuipers, Hidde Hoogcarspel, Janine Geijsen, Debbie Schouten, Helen Kuipers, Sander Koenen, Oscar Snijders, Peter van Kranenburg, Victor Knaap and Jauko Hartveldt.

Overview Effect
Astronauts see from space how incredibly beautiful, but also how vulnerable our Earth is. This unique experience leads to a new perspective on our planet. This is the overview effect.
On board the SpaceBuzz, children worldwide can experience the overview effect for themselves. They take a lifelike journey to space, a journey that permanently changes their view of our beautiful planet...
"From space, I saw how stunningly beautiful and unique the Earth is. We humans are all astronauts of a spaceship called 'Earth'. We must be incredibly careful with it!"
- Astronaut André Kuipers
Co-founder and ambassador of SpaceBuzz.

Overview effect foundation
SpaceBuzz is a project of the Overview Effect Foundation, a non-profit organization. The goal of the Overview Effect Foundation is to inspire children worldwide with a different perspective and activate them as 'ambassadors of planet earth'.
Become a friend
Help us to ignite passion in young minds and inspire Changemakers who cherish our world.