Package 2: Corporate Events & Engagement
Join our SpaceBuzz mission and strengthen your brand!
As a corporate sponsor, you enforce your objectives on sustainability, innovation, and STEAM education while financing the SpaceBuzz education program.With SpaceBuzz, you inspire your customers, employees and other stakeholders, foster teamwork, and make a cosmic impact. Let your brand be a beacon of progress with SpaceBuzz, shaping a better world, one school at a time!
With your events & engagement we ensure to visit as many schools as possible.
With your support, we can inspire and educate generations of ambassadors for Earth!

Are you looking for a worthwhile allocation of your Marketing, Recruitment & Selection, and Research & Development budgets. Or, just looking for a great program to do charity donations?
SpaceBuzz is a highly innovative way to position your company as a supporter of sustainability, innovation, and STEAM education. You also can show your involvement in technological developments thru this unique education program.
SpaceBuzz offers the perfect opportunity to engage your company in this award winning education program. We primarily inspire and educate children about the uniqueness of Planet Earth with the magic of space travel and science. But, obviously this also works for adults.
Involve your customers, employees and other stakeholders in the program and give them the opportunity to contribute to this important education initiative.
Your company could, for example, organise events where employees commit to the programme, inspire customers and suppliers, and raise funds for the adoption of schools . Some companies even collect contributions in order to fund a complete new rocket.
These events can help all your stakeholders to develop their own perspective on Planet Earth and how to contribute with their own skills. One can think of stimulating teamwork, networking, and inspiring, while committing to a good cause.
Sponsoring SpaceBuzz can be an effective way to position your company as a supporter of sustainability and innovation. SpaceBuzz is aimed at inspiring all generations to strive for the use of innovation and technology to embrace sustainability. Education with the magic of space travel creates a "mental shift" that ensures a permanent focus on a better world.
By investing in SpaceBuzz, you are investing in the future of your company and the wider community. Your support will contribute to the growth of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), while the program also inspires children to strive for their highest potential form this new perspective.
We invite you to involve your company in this unique education program and to participate in our mission to inspire children and bring the wonders of space to life.
Thank you for your contribution and support.
Join us in inspiring the next generation with SpaceBuzz. Your support is an investment in the future of our children and planet, fostering creativity and promoting STEAM education. Help us to ignite passion in young minds and inspire Earth ambassadors who cherish our world. Stand with SpaceBuzz, and let's launch into a sustainable future together.
Thank you for your invaluable support.